Through the lens of a teacher: O-level results

Receiving one’s results is a memorable yet an emotional experience for students and their teachers. Take a peek into what goes on as we followed Mr Dayan Tan of Juying Secondary School!


It’s an exciting day today! Mr Dayan Tan was anxious to know how his students performed and couldn’t wait to check out the results.

Together with other Form Teachers, Mr Tan sorted the result slips and was keen to know how his Geography students in other classes did in the subject.

Some did well while others fall short of the goals they had shared with Mr Tan before the O-levels. The teachers went through the results and discussed various options available for their students.

Catching up with parents was always meaningful for Mr Tan as he gets to know how his former students were doing.

From past experiences, emotions would run wild so tissue will come in very handy.

In 4 minutes, it will be time to break the news to 36 students whom Mr Tan had guided over the past 2 years.

Standing by those who did not meet their expectations, Mr Tan shows support and offers advice.

Faced with a variety of options and possibilities, students swarm to their mentor for advice – just like the old days.


Mr Tan encourages his students to decide on the next step by taking into consideration their interests, passion and talents.

Standing by the words of Winston Churchill – “I have nothing to offer but toil, tears and sweat”. All the effort pays off when Mr Tan sees his students reaching their goals and dreams.

Mr Tan is reminded that good partnership with parents would help to bring out the best in his students.

As they walked out of the school hall, Mr Tan hopes for the best for each and every life he has impacted.

Back to his mission of educating and nurturing the next generation.