Full Subject-Based Banding versus Streaming – what’s the difference?


With Full SBB in 2024, students’ learning will be customised at the subject level instead of the course level.  This means that we will no longer see the streaming labels of Express, Normal (Academic) [N(A)] and Normal (Technical) [N(T)] as students will be able to take subjects at different subject levels instead of subjects from only one course.

Yes, students will start off with a dominantly G1/G2/G3 suite of subjects based on their PSLE scores – that much is similar as we want to place them at a level most suited to their learning pace. But once they enter secondary school, the Full SBB system will allow students to do individual subjects they have strengths in at a more demanding levels. So for example, instead of “an N(A) course student”, you will have a student taking some subjects at G2, a few at G3 levels.

This minimises the impact of labelling and stigmatisation, and allows students to stretch themselves in their areas of strength.

Also, students will be in mixed-ability form classes taking subjects such as Art and PE together, while they take other subjects such as Mathematics and Science in G1/G2/G3 teaching groups, depending on their aptitude.  Students will be able to experience changes in the way form classes are organised as schools come up with creative groupings to enhance the learning environment.