Director-General of Education Mr Wong Siew Hoong on Heading Back to School



As students head back to school after two months, the Director-General of Education, Mr Wong Siew Hoong assures students and parents that the curriculum will not be rushed or compressed.

“The teachers’ evaluation of their students learning through all the assessment tasks… show that students have learnt well… and there is not a lot of curriculum loss.” In addition, students have picked up key 21st century skills, like being more self-directed in their learning. “These are important skills that we want to be able to cultivate in students, so in Term 3, we will be having a combination of physical schooling and Home-Based Learning so we can enjoy and reap the benefits of both modalities.”

Mr Wong talks about how it has been a challenging time for all – students, teachers, parents – so “…let’s not be too hard on ourselves or others… things will definitely get better.”

Look out also for the story of Hercules and the Wagoner – what lesson does this Aesop’s fable hold for us at this point?